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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 发布时间 2021/10/19 15:44:30


  BENTLEY Elevator (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-British joint venture invested by BENTLEY Elevator Holdings (UK) Co., Ltd., introducing the advanced elevator control technology of BENTLEY Elevator in the UK, and has been able to produce more than 100 years of experience in manufacturing management and exquisite manufacturing Technology, relying on Bentley brand and technical strength, product range covers: high-speed passenger lifts, passenger elevators, sightseeing elevators, medical elevators, stretcher elevators, freight elevators, villas elevators, debris ladder, lunch ladder, all kinds of machine room elevators, escalators and Automatic sidewalks and so on. The total investment of 368 million yuan, the annual production capacity can reach 30,000 units in the hinterland of China's economy in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the construction site covers an area of more than 120 acres, with the construction area of more than 60000 square meters of BENTLEY elevator global production base.

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